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Planning Board Minutes 02/02/2006
(603) 798-4350

FEBRUARY 2, 2006

PRESENT: Chairman Brad Towle, Joanna McIntosh, Mike Stamowlaros, Richard DeBold, Tom Jameson, Mike Paveglio and Secretary Andrea Deachman

Mr. Brad Towle introduced himself and stated that he had been elected Chairman and proceeded to introduce the Board. Mr. Towle then requested that the Board review the minutes of January 5, 2006. Motion was made to accept the minutes with the following changes:
Page 3, Public Hearing, Don Peterman, first line “add the word “be” between “to and completed”
Page 4, Discussion, Russ Abbott/Jim Fidolfi Property, first line second sentence change to read “The old building “will” get… not with.   Discussion, Jeff Andrews/Plummer Property Second paragraph end first sentence with “Plummer’s” and begin new sentence with  “There”
Motion was made to accept the minutes with the changes.
        Paveglio/DeBold         (Passed)

PUBLIC HEARINGS:        Don Peterman
        Site Review – Multi Use
        Retail Fire Works Businesses & Residence
        Map 4, Lot 158, Dover Road

No Abutters Present.

Motion was made by Mr. Tom Jameson and seconded by Mr. Mike Paveglio to accept the formal application from Mr. Peterman. All members were in agreement and the  application has been accepted.

Surveyor Dave Collier presented plans to the Board with all the items requested fixed, all approvals have been received for septic and driveway.

Motion was made to accept the proposed site plan for the business as amended.

        DeBold/Stamowlaros      (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:  Jeff Andrews/ Plummer Property
        Map 4, Lot 8 Main Street
No Abutters Present.

Mr. Andrews presented plans to the Board. The Conservation Commission will be purchasing the property from the Plummer’s so the town can gain access to the Sanborn/Cray Conservation Area. Mr. Andrews explained that a variance has been granted by the Board of Adjustment to create a substandard lot. Three acres will be remaining with the house.

Design review was closed.

PUBLIC HEARING: Jeff Andrews/ Plummer Property
        Map 4, Lot 8 Main Street
No Abutters Present.

Motion was made by Mr. Richard DeBold and seconded by Mr. Mike Paveglio to accept formal application from Mr. Andrews on behalf of the Plummer’s  All members were in agreement and the  application has been accepted.

All conditions have been met.

Motion to accept the subdivision as presented.

        Jameson/Stamowlaros             (Passed)

DISCUSSION:             Russ Abbott/Jim Fidolfi Property
        Lot Line Adjustment/New Business
        Map 3, Lots 32 & 34, Dover & Mason Roads

Mr. Abbott has come back to the Board because of a concern that was raised at the Board of Adjustment Meeting he went to for a variance on his building. The BOA was concerned with the paved parking area that will be in the wetlands buffer. After much discussion the Board agreed that it is a change within the wetlands buffer and would also need a variance for the project to continue.

Letter to be sent to the BOA. Design Review/Public Hearing set for March2, 2006.

DISCUSSION:     Conservation Commission
        Prime Wetlands Inventory

Jeff Andrews discussed the inventory and that only part of the town has been surveyed. The Conservation Commission would like this to be a community project; they will be talking with other boards to see what their feelings are about the survey.

Some concerns are the limiting of landowners on what they may do with their property. Department of Environmental Services would hold a hearing for clarification on what limits would be for each property that would be affected. Other questions were do we have the right to go on someone’s property if they didn’t want us to? The answer was no, but we could go next door and still be able to review the property.  Also would this constitute “taking” of land if the property is deemed prime? The answer again was no, but this would have to be clarified by DES.

The Conservation Commission would like to know if the Planning Board thinks this project should continue through the remainder of the town.  The Board was in agreement that the project should be continued and will do what they can do to protect the prime wetlands during Board meetings.

New Business:

A letter has been received from Holden Engineering in regards to the Mark Drew property on Lover’s Lane. Mr. Drew is in need of an extension to complete the subdivision plans so that they can be recorded. Holden Engineering is confident that they can have the plans ready for the next Board meeting. The Board after discussion was in agreement to grant a 60 day extension with the following conditions; if they can not meet the 60 day extension they will contact the secretary to be placed on the April 6, 2006 agenda for Design Review/Public Hearing.

Mike Paveglio, Fire Chief has been in contact with Mr. Mullaney’s engineer in regards to Phase II off Bailey Road and the placement of the cistern. Chief Paveglio feels that the location of the cistern will be hard to fill. The newly proposed location will be within the wetlands buffer with the town having an easement to the cistern and the filling process should be adequate. The Board was in agreement to have Chief Paveglio change the location of the cistern for the project, as long as new plans are received for recording with the changes.

A letter has been received from the Town’s Attorney Matt Serge about the Open Space Conservation Development and the Austin project on Route 4.  The Board was in agreement to have the Secretary call Matt and follow up with a letter approved by Mr. DeBold.

A letter was sent by the Selectmen to Eddie Watson, 219 Dover Road, Map 3, Lot 22-1 in regards to businesses and a residence on the property. The Board will wait to see if Mr. Watson will respond to the secretary and asked to be placed on the agenda.

There being no further business motion was made to adjourn.

        Jameson/Paveglio        (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm

                Respectfully submitted,

                Brad Towle